New Years – Resolutions or Convictions?

What is something I want to achieve this year?

With where I’m at in my life, this is a pretty emotionally charged question. Life doesn’t look or feel like I expected. With 40 right around the corner, I am convicted and determined to set in motion a better plan for my life this year.

I used to plan and set goals around New Year’s resolutions. I’d come out running strong at the start of the year, only to fizzle off by month 3. I’d get so frustrated with my unattainable goals or lack of progress, that I would quit on myself. I knew I didn’t get here overnight, but just as society is, I craved that instant, easy success. Perfect example of self sabotage.

When my efforts weren’t working, I started focusing on a word for the year. Making more measurable, attainable goals surrounding the word I chose. I’d be excited at the start of the race, but by mid year, the same thing would happen. I’d lose momentum due to lack of consistency, get bored, and redirect my focus to something else. Leaving my goals and dreams in hindsight.

This year, I want to be a better human. Have more empathy. Be less self absorbed. Be giving of my time and talents. To learn to listen more and talk less. To walk out my convictions and make change. I want to write a better story for me and my family. I know this means taking charge, but being open to change. Being willing to do things different. Redirecting when things aren’t working and making a new path. Fighting fear and the darkness in the world, one day at a time.

This is a high calling and heavy charge, but I owe it to myself to be all that God has called me to be. One day at a time. All for His glory and namesake.

Are you with me?
